Rational and Stoic options involve giving him a physical beating. If you do, he'll leave behind a Fine Dagger, a Fine Hide Armor, and a Small Shield. You could kill him, possibly with a Cruel dialogue option to provoke the fight. How you deal with him is entirely up to you, and the reward will always be the same irrespective of your choice.
If you drop either Danna's name as a result of the the quest called At All Costs or Medreth's name as a result of the Cat and Mouse task, he will allow you free run of House Doemenel. The loot they leave behind typically includes Mail Armors, Mail Coifs, Swords and Arquebuses. You could attack him and slaughter all the guards. He won't let you go much further unless you cite a specific Doemenel contact or a specific order of business with House Doemenel that will justify you coming in. You will start off at #1 on the map of the main floor of House Doemenel.

The entrance to House Doemenel can be found at #11 on the Brackenbury map.